Friday, February 5, 2016

Fort Sumter

Dear Diary,
 I have recently learned from my husband about how when, in January of this year, President Buchanan tried to supplies and troops to Fort Sumter, a fort near South Carolina, the confederates fired upon the supplies. The supply ship was unarmed when it was under fire. This was right before President Lincoln came into office. When April came, Lincoln had no choice but to attempt to resupply the fort because they were running dangerously low on supplies. In order to try to avoid starting a war, Lincoln told South Carolina he was only sending food to the fort, no arms.  Sadly the Confederacy did not believe Lincoln and ordered Fort Sumter to surrender. If they did not surrender the Confederacy would fire upon the fort. The Union troops chose to fight for the fort. The Union troops had to surrender eventually after running out of ammunition. This angered the Northerners. By April 15, 1861, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to fight against the Confederacy. After the hostility, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina joined the Confederacy. Both groups thin they will only be fighting for a few days or months. We have no idea about whats to come.   Here is a painting of the battle at Fort Sumter:

That's all for now Diary,

Fort Sumter. N.d. Wikimedia. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. 

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