Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Battle of Antietam

Dear Diary,
I have recently learned about the Battle of Antietam. This is said to be the bloodiest battle yet. According to what I learned from my husband, General Lee was over confident and decided that he should try to get a victory on Union soil to get European powers to recognize the Confederacy. He tried to get the people in Maryland to ally with the South. The people of Maryland were not as interested in allying with the South than Lee had expected. Union soldiers found a copy of General Lee's battle plans at an abandoned rebel campsite. The Union soldiers now had the knowledge to help them with the battle. Union soldiers attacked in three stages. At the end of the battle more than 23,000 soldiers were dead or wounded. Although the Union lost more soldiers then the Confederacy, the Battle of Antietam is considered a Union victory. This was the victory that gave Lincoln what he needed to move forward with the emancipation. Here is a map of the Battle of Antietam:

That's all for now Diary,

Battle of Antietam. N.d. Wikimedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. 

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