Friday, January 22, 2016

The Underground Railroad

Dear Diary,
The northerners are very upset about the changes Congress has made to the Fugitive Slave Act. Some states have even passed personal liberty laws, according to my dad. These new laws allow the states to arrest slave catchers for kidnapping. I am very pleased to know that Ohio was one of these states.

I recently overheard my father talking with one of our neighbors about the Underground Railroad. From what I understood, it is a way to sneak slaves out from their masters to the north, Canada, and  even sometimes England to free them. The Underground Railroad is apparently not an actual railroad. they use railroad terminology though to explain the network of different passages. My dad was talking about this one slave who is said to have escaped and made almost 24 trips to free slaves. He said her name is Harriet Tubman.

Uncle Tom's Cabin has just came out. I have already read the whole book. The book talks about man, Uncle Tom, who is a slave. It tells about both nice and cruel slave owners. I feel bad for what Uncle Tom had to go through. I wish there was more I could do to help the slaves in the South. Here is a photo of the book:

                                                          That's all for now Diary,

"Cyclopædia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United 
        States." Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.3, Entry 50, PERSONAL LIBERTY
        LAWS. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2016.
Uncle Tom's Cabin. N.d. Crisis Magazine. Web. 22 Jan. 2016. 

1 comment:

  1. Why is the book important? Don;t just say what it is...go deeper.
